6 Atraksi Wisata yang Wajib Dikunjungi Saat Liburan ke Praha, Republik Ceko

Before coming to Prague, one thing that I had always been remembered about this country is Pavel Nedved. A long time ago, I was a fan of Juventus FC, an Italian football team and my favorite player was Pavel Nedved. He was famous for his deathly kicks, hence why he got a nickname as The …

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A month in Europe then back to Asia for working

For various reasons, my trip to Europe was postponed several times in 2017. But finally, I went there in November - December, alone, as Kyle couldn't join this time. It was my second time visiting this continent. In total, I went to 15 cities in 12 countries, including one city and country in West Asia/ …

Continue reading A month in Europe then back to Asia for working